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The Nurturer

You are someone with a profound ability to make the people in your life feel understood and supported. You exude warmth and compassion. You are highly attuned to the needs and emotions of your family, and you know exactly how to comfort your children through challenging feelings and experiences. You likely have quite a few very strong, meaningful relationships because of your talent for holding space and allowing others to feel truly seen and heard. You have a sense of social justice and may consider yourself an advocate for those in need.

A Deeper Look At The Nurturer

  • Your Strengths

    Your unique ability to understand the emotions and experiences of others makes you the person your loved ones trust and turn to the most when they need guidance and support. You will move mountains to ensure that your people are safe and cared for.

    As a mother, you have an uncanny way of knowing exactly what your children need, often before they do. While others may not notice small facial expressions or body language cues, you are always paying attention and can intuitively sense what each one means.

    Your children will grow up knowing that it is okay to feel whatever they are feeling because of your capacity to accept and validate them no matter what, which is one of the greatest gifts anyone could receive.

  • Your Shadows

    There is always a shadow side to our strengths.

    Your high level of empathy and care for others can easily tip into a place of feeling their emotions as your own.

    You may feel responsible to constantly help everyone and have a very hard time saying no and setting boundaries to protect your time and energy. You may also struggle to ask for help when you are the one needing support because you don’t want to be a burden on others.

    When you are more focused on the needs of others than your own, this can lead to resentment, burnout, and disconnection from yourself. Creating space for your own self care is crucial, especially as a mother.

  • How You Can Grow

    You want to prioritize your own wellbeing, but time for self care feels selfish. You feel burnt out from doing things you don’t want to do, but the idea of disappointing someone makes your stomach turn… Am I right?

    Where did the belief come from that it is your responsibility to take care of everyone and everything? What are you afraid might happen if you practiced saying no more often?

    By exploring questions like these, you can learn to honor your own needs alongside those of your children and loved ones, providing more balance and calm to your life. Working with a coach can provide the support and insight you need to navigate this journey.